The Hare and the Tortoise

The Hare and the Tortoise: Once up on a there was a very big forest there used to lived a lot’s of animal like Elephants, tigers, rats, rabbits, zeribas, hares and tortoise. They used to lives happy together, there was a little pound where used to lives a lot’s of fish, crocodile and turtle.

One day the Hare was going to search food ne the way he saw the turtle, he was also going to the search food, after seing him the hare went to him and he would make fun of me that how lazy you are, the more you try to find food, the more food will come to me, after that day he started making fun of me every day.

The Hare and the Tortoise

All animals was very fast then the turtle, he felt very bad for that. when the turtle rutern tot he home he was crying very loudly, the crocodile come out from the pound listning the crying, he asked to him “What happen?, why are you crying?” the turtle said the hare makes fun of me everyday, that i am very slow, i walk very slow i can’t hear like this type of word, that way i am weeping”

One day all animals of the forest were very bussy in work even the hare came to the turtle again he started make fun of him, that time the turtle got angary and said “every day you make fun of me…..if i am slow so lets race……….”Who reaches that tree on that mountain, whoever reaches first will win and whoever reaches later will lose”.

The Hare started laughing loudly, “seriously dude! you want to race with me, i am so shocked i can’t believe that you can say like that” i am serious i want to race with you If you have courage then compete with me, otherwise feel that you are slow, I am not.

The Hare challenge accepted “tomorrow we will come here and will star racing,

The Next turtle arrived again at the point and then the hare came, both started racing, but the hare was very fals so he arrived qukely half of path after arriving to a tree he was looking for the turtle but wasn’t seenig anywhere, he thought “He is very slow As long as he did not come here, he rested for a while near this tree, as if he had sat down to rest, he could not find the use of his eyes, or he sat on that tree”.

The tortoise slowly approached the tree, pretended that it was sleeping, and moved ahead without making any sound. After long time he finally cross the mountain and arrived to the finishing point.

Then the hare got up and looking for here and there but no one was one the way, at last the hare started runnig fast and arrived the finishing point but the turtle was already there, at the end the turtle won and the hare is defeat.

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