Thank You For Coming Trailer Out: Bhumi pednekar’s ‘Thank you for coming’ raises important issue of sex life. the Trailer is funny

Thank you for coming Bhumi pednekar starar movie is to releases this year on 6 October. Karan kundra and Anil kapoor also will seen in the movie.

Thank you for coming review: sexual orgasm and romantic and enjoyment has appeared in the movie that how our generation is moving in old culture. and our sociaty didn’t accept like sexual things Bhumi pednekar is tryoing to show of her personal life. five girls’ are included in the movie Bhumi is in lid role other then Shahnaj gil, kusha kapila, Doli singh and Shivani vedi. Karan kundra and Anil kapoor also in lid role.

Story of Thank you for coming

The movie is shroundi around 30 years old Girl Kanika kapoor who never experienced orgasm and she had sex with very plain boy but she didn’t get orgasm and gang of girls are around her some of them are good and some of them are bad girl. Doli singh became Kanika kapoor’s (Bhumi) grand mother. and some girl said her your sexual life is very simple so they help her to get orgasm.

How is the Trailer of Thank you for coming

It is shown in the trailer Bhumi had sex with many boys and she is looking for that person she had sex with which person because she doesn’t know who is the person with whom she had sex. and friend said You were with Rahul also, you were also with that boy and you were also hanging out with the Rabdi seller. and they help her to find out that parson with whom she had sex.

Riya kapoor react on this

Riya kapoor is directore of ‘Thank you for coming’ karan’s wife. Rhea Kapoor reacted when the film was premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival. she wrote- ‘Crying and shouting and jumping! We are honored to premiere our film Thank You for Coming, officially selected at the Toronto International Film Festival 2023! See you at our grand premiere! Thanks for coming to TIFF.

Thank you for coming will release on 6 October on theater. Bhumi pednekar wrote on her Instagram account shearing trailer of the movie ‘This princess’s fairy tale is unique. Don’t forget to watch Thank You for Coming in theatres.

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