Priyanka began to weep looking at her husband Nick Jonas performing in front of her

Nick Jonas has gone New York now on world tour with his brothers in ‘ The Tour’ and Priyanka Chopra and his family also went with him in world tour. a inside video is appearing now in the video Priyanka is weeping seeing her husband Nick Jonas to perform on stage live.

Priyanka was weeping looking at her husband Nick Jonas performing on stage in front of her

where the power couple goes fans follow them to take picture and they looks very pretty with each others and a inside video is apearing now that Priyanka Chopra is weeping seeing her husband to peform on live stage head of her. Priyanka went there as a contestant.

when Priyanka was coming from there three Gard was around Priyanka a Gard was telling a lady to move a side but Priyanka said the Gard “it’s ok… take it easy!!!” the lady posted on her Instagram id about that.

Nick Jonas reaction when a man throws a wristband at nick

a man throw a wristband at Nick Jonas and his reaction on it. Nick was very angry at the fan who had throw wristband at him. and he warned him not to do like this again and he was very angry. few days ado like this type of incident has done when famous American pop singer was performing on stage and a lady throw coffee at her and she throw her microphone at the lady.

Nick Jonas fall in down on stage during live concert

Nick fall down on stage when he was performing because backdoor was opening of stage and suddenly Nick Jonas’s lag stuck under the backdoor when he was moving looking at ordnance and he fall down. the video of fall was going viral. and fans was asking about Nick Jonas is he ok didn’t he get hurt.

Priyanka Chopra’s reaction when a fan through a bra at Nick Jonas

in that live concert a lady had throw a bra at Nick and Priyanka was also staying there. and her reaction when the lady through bra Priyanka catch the bra take the bra with her and she is smiling also. she didn’t mind anything and even didn’t say anything of the lady.

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