Tylor Swift: A man entered the house with marriage Proposal, One man arrested on stalking

American singer Taylor Swift is one headline often. she she used to be on headline mostly taking her personal life. and one things is being head that a man is following Taylor to get marri her and he is fallowing Taylor until her building.

Taylor Swift is always on headline taking any personal matter. it hearing that unknown person is following her until her building to get marri her. and he entered into her room following her. he is arrested by police in her room to entered illegal.

Taylor Swift made this allegation against Ashley Arbor

it heard by media report Taylor Swift made two allegation against Ashley Arbor. and after that he had been arrested 18 august by police. singer made allegation against Ashely to entered illegal into Big Apple Disk. after that in 19 august Ashley reveled about that allegation have been relevant against him talking with New York post.

Ashley Arbor said about that allegation have been relevant against him

Ashley spoke about Tylor made made allegation against him – ‘I was disappointed, I love her and I want to marry her’. He said that I want him to come in my life and have someone who loves me in my life. I never had anyone to keep me grounded. He further stated that he had boarded a Greyhound bus from Atlanta to meet Taylor. Also claimed that he was earlier in a relationship with her. At the same time, told about the second allegation against him that he has been accused of ringing the bell of Taylor’s house.

Ashley Arbor wants to entered into the building as much as possible

Ashley Arber told about this that as soon as he went inside the building, a neighbor woman asked what he was doing? When he talked about Taylor, the lady told him to go outside and ring the bell and wait for someone to respond. Which Ashley also followed. At the same time, during the interview, the person said that I know that she also knows that my intention is not to harm anyone. I would never kill a woman. I will not harm her.

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