Nick Jonas fall down, Malti Marie is looking cute wearing Indian dress kurta pajama

Nick Jonas fall down suddenly looking the seen ordinance is asking about Nick Jonas wealth. didn’t he hurt. in New York a live concert has been organize and Nick Jonas and his brothers have been invited for the concert.

Nick was preforming on stage but he didn’t release that a backdoor was behind him and he was moving bake looking at ordinance and his leg had stuck in backdoor and he fall down on stage. and now the video was going viral most of people didn’t see the seen but all the video hade been captured on big screen LED TV. and everyone has watched the video.

people is apricate Nick to perform again with full confidence

after falling down Nick got up again and run to his brothers and putting down the microphone he started playing music. Seeing this action of Nick Jonas, people started praising. and some one is asking about his wealth. he didn’t get hurt, didn’t he. and someone is saying that Priyanka was also on there. and his family were seeing the concert.

Nick Jonas’s wife Priyanka is trolled because of this

Priyanka got trolled because of this in India. a picture was going viral in the picture Priyanka was sitting top of her husband Nick Jonas. she was wearing bikini. so people is started trolling her that she shouldn’t has done like this type of work in front of Malti Marie because she was sitting in front of them because she is little baby and she doesn’t know any thing if you will do like this she will defiantly learn this to you. so people started trolling her. Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra had got married on 2018.

Malti Marie was looking cute wearing Indian dress Kurta Pajama

Priyanka Chopra wore Indian dress Kurta Pajama to her daughter and she was looking beautiful like her mother wearing Indian dress. when you will see Priyanka’s childhood picture she is looking like her daughter Malti. and they have same face. Mati has born through surrogacy. in the picture as you can see that Malti is plying with her mother and she is wearing white pajama and white kurta with Indian culture she is looking very pretty. Priyanka didn’t forget her culture arriving America. until she follow her Indian destination some days ago Priyanka had gone India to attend her sister’s Engagements party.

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